Claim Search
First Name
Last Name
Postal Code
Export Results Rows Returned: 0
Click on the 'Claim ID' to view the Claim Information.

Note: If your claim 'Status' is 'Denied' you can click the 'Denied' link in the 'Status' column to view the denial reason(s).

Note: If your claim is in a status is 'Incomplete' you can click on the Claim ID button and upload an image of your UPC code(s) cut from the original box(es) OR you can print your claim form and attach your UPC code(s) and mail to the address listed on the form.
What does your status mean?
In Process - 
Validating claim information
Printed by User - 
Waiting for rebate information in the mail
Incomplete - 
Submission is missing a valid UPC Code
Approved - 
In process of ordering rebate incentive
Denied - 
Submission is not valid for rebate incentive
Ordered - 
Rebate incentive has been placed
Shipped - 
Rebate incentive has been shipped